Military History - The Third Reich - General Section
The Third Reich - General
Following its humiliating
defeat in World War I, Germany was a potent breeding ground for political
extremism. Following brief flirtation with a Soviet style republic,
Fascism flourished. This is a comprehensive collection of books covering
all aspects of the Third Reich, its leaders, organisation, military power
- & its crimes against humanity
Listed by Author & Title -
10 Titles per page |
ANTIFASCHISTISCHE RUSSELL-REIHE 3 NSDAP Propagandists under the microscope. A German language selection of essays, news items, documentation, texts and regulations against fascism and distortion, disregard and denial by Federal Republic of Germany from 1945 - 1977. Particularly concentrates on Manfred Roeder who was a military judge in Nazi Germany, Thies Christophersen, a prominent German Holocaust denier and Erwin Schönborn, a German publisher, a neo-Nazi, historical revisionist and Holocaust denier.
GERMAN TEXT1978, J. Reents Verlag, , 3883050031,< F-01>,203pp, numerous b/w illustrations, good in creased card cover, Ger.text, CARDSubject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 4041-01..............................£18.00 |
DER TREK DER VOLKSDEUTSCHEN AUS WOLHYNIEN, GALIZIEN, UND DEM NAREW - GEBIET German text. Literally "The Trek Of The Ethnic Germans Out Of Wolhynien, Galizien, And The Narew Zone". With A Foreword By Obergruppenfuhrer Werner Lorenz and an introduction by Wilfrid Bade. From September 1939, as a result of the partition of Poland in the Hitler-Stalin Pact, Volyn became soviet territory. The resident population in the former German Polish territory, consisting of approximately 65,000 people, was relocated to Germany under the auspices of the The Hauptamt Volks-deutsche Mittelstelle (Main Welfare Office for Ethnic Germans), abbreviated VoMi, an NSDAP agency. This is a contemporary photographic record of that evacuation. There is an inscription in German dated 3.7.1944 on the pre-title page1943, Volk und Reich Verlag, Band 1, ,< F-01>,Square format, 88pp, c220 b/w photos, good in slightly stained card cover, Ger.text, CARDSubject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 37036-01..............................£30.00 |
GERMAN OCCUPIED GREAT BRITAIN: THE OFFICIAL SECRET DOCUMENT Ordinances of the Military Authorities for occupied Britain. This official document was originally printed in Leipzig in 1941 as a comprehensive guide for German Military Command of a defeated Great Britain. This is a photo-litho reproduction taken directly from the original, of which only one copy is believed to have survived (in the hands of a collector). The volume is presented in the original German/English text.1970, Scutt-Dand Foord, , 0854201203 ,< F-01>,94pp, card covers in d/w, vg, Eng/Ger.text, CARDSubject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 5882-02..............................£5.00 |
HOUSE OF WANNASEE CONFERENCE: PERMANENT EXHIBIT A guide and reader to the Mansion at Wannassee which had at one time, been owned by Reinhard Heydrich. The conference, held on January 20 1942, was the venue for the formulation of the policy which became known as 'The Final Solution'. In 1992 Wannassee was turned into a museum depicting the history of the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich. It covers such events as the repression of the Jews, the war against Poland, the Ghettos, the Deportations and the Concentration and Death Camps. 1992, Edition Hentrich, , 3894682396,< F-01>,A5 format, 147pp, b/w photos, good in card cover, some spotting on back cover, , CARDSubject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 7588-01..............................£10.00 |
OSTLAND KALENDAR 1941 Complete edition in the original publisher's illustrated cover. Portrait of the Fuhrer on frontispiece: German GOTHIC text. Includes Visibility of the major planets in Poznan 1941: local time, Central European time, Summertime: The Four Seasons: The Planets and their Moons: Movable Festivals: Zodiac Sign Eclipses in 1941: Legislation for the Holidays (Law on the Holidays of February 27, 1934; Decree of the Leader and Chancellor on the Heroes Memorial Day and the day of remembrance for the fallen of the movement of February 25, 1939: Holiday regulation in the Reichsgau Wartheland): Post offices in Poznan: Dimensions and weights: The administrative offices of the Reichsstatthalter in the Reichsgau Warteland in Poznan: Metropolitan authorities of the Gau capital Poznan (offices, police stations) Authorities, metropolitan schools, state schools, Specialized and vocational schools, educational institutions, libraries, museums, theaters, concert halls and lecture halls): The National Socialist German Workers Party in Poznan (all departments): Aula der Reichsuniversitat, Reichsgautheater Poznan, Great Haus/Reichsgautheater Poznan, Small House: fold-out map of Reichsgau, Wartheland: and much more.1941, E. Bruhns, Posen, , No ISBN,< F-01>,192 pages, 18 photographic images on art paper, fold-out map, good in card cover - some markings & stamps in Polish on inner pages, Ger.text, CARDSubject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 619-01..............................£60.00 |
THE NAZI REVOLUTION A series of essays on the rise of National Socialism. Authors include Bullock, Hallgarten, Craig, Lowie amongst others. They examines the reasons for the the advent of Nazi rule in Germany.1967, D C Heath, , ,< F-01>,xx + 97pp., good in card covers, , CARDSubject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 1970-01..............................£8.00 |
THE OBERSALZBERG AND THE 3. REICH: THE EAGLE'S NEST An English language guide book to the Obersalzberg and a history of the mountain, with an interesting collection of rare photographs of Hitler, Goring and Bormann showing them in leisure poses with their families. There is a fold out map of localities on the mountain. A very worthwhile purchase for the visitor who wishes to read about the area before travelling. Top right hand corner of card cover creased.1982, Verlag Anton Plenk , , 3922590136,< F-01>,A4 format, 72pp, numerous b/w & colour photos, 3pp fold out map, good in card cover - top r/h corner creased, , CARDSubject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 38141-01..............................£6.00 |
TIME-LIFE THIRD REICH SERIES: LIGHTNING WAR One of the renowned Time-Life Third Reich series. This volume covers the Scandinavian Campaign, and the defeat of Holland, Belgium and France. It then goes on to examine hitler's plans for Operation Sea Lion (the proposed invasion of England) and the Battle of Britain plus the early months of the occupation of Paris1989, Time Life Books, , 0809469707,< F-01>,Large format, 192pp, numerous colour & b/w photos, maps, Fine in pictorial boards, , Subject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 1477-01..............................£8.00 |
TRIAL OF THE MAJOR WAR CRIMINALS BEFORE THE INTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL VOLUME XVI 11 June 1946 - 24 June 1946. The official English edition, published in accordance with the direction of the International Military Tribunal, of the record of the trial of the major German war criminals.1948, Int.Tribunal Nuremberg, , ,< F-01>,673pp, Slight wear on spine ow very good in blue boards, 0, Subject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 35711-01..............................£18.00 |
TRIAL OF THE MAJOR WAR CRIMINALS BEFORE THE INTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL VOLUME XVII 25 June 1946 to 8 July 1946. The official English edition, published in accordance with the direction of the International Military Tribunal, of the record of the trial of the major German war criminals. This volume includes evidence from Colonel Ahrens about the Katyn Massacre.1948, Int.Tribunal Nuremberg, , ,< F-01>,661pp, Light spine wear ow very good in dw., , Subject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 35712-01..............................£20.00 |
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Alan K. Wildman
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