Military History - The Third Reich - General Section
The Third Reich - General
Following its humiliating
defeat in World War I, Germany was a potent breeding ground for political
extremism. Following brief flirtation with a Soviet style republic,
Fascism flourished. This is a comprehensive collection of books covering
all aspects of the Third Reich, its leaders, organisation, military power
- & its crimes against humanity
Listed by Author & Title -
10 Titles per page |
ARBEIT UND VERNICHTUNG, DAS KONZENTRATIONSLAGER NEUENGAMME 1938-1945 by Ulrich Bauche and Heinz Brudigam et al Katalog zur standigen Ausstellung im dokumentenhaus der KZ-Gedenkstatte Neuengamme, Aussenstelle des Museums fur Hamburgische Geschichte. Literally 'Work and Destruction, The Concentration Camp, Neuengamme 1938-1945'. A Catalogue of the exhibition in the KZ-Gedenkstatte Neuengamme, branch of the museum of Hamburg history. German text.1986, VSA Hamburg, , 3879753563,< F-01>,259pp, card covers. bumped and rubbed, Ger.text, CARDSubject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 4836-01..............................£10.00 |
THE MALMEDY MASSACRE by John M Bauserman Based on eight years of research, this is an account of how US soldiers of the 285th Field Artillery Battalion were captured and massacred by members of the Peiper Battle Group of 1.SS Panzer Division Leibstandarte, on 17th December 1944 in the Ardennes.1994, White Mane Publishing, , 094259777X,< F-01>,160pp, 9 maps, photos, appendices, sources, index, good in rubbed d/w, small tears at the top of the spine., , Subject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 20700-01..............................£10.00 |
THE FALL OF THE CURTAIN: LAST DAYS OF THE THIRD REICH by Count Folke Bernadotte In February 1945, during the hectic months that preceded the total collapse of the Third Reich and the capitulation of the German forces Bernadotte left Sweden to try to establish contact with Heinrich Himmler and induce him to allow all Danes and Norwegians in German concentration camps to be transported to Sweden for internment until the end of the war. Based on his own notes and reports, he describes his various missions, his meetings with Himmler and other leading figures of the Nazi regime and how his role changed from humanitarian to political liason for Himmler in requesting terms with the west.1945, Cassell, , ,< F-01>,vi + 82pp, ills, dw ragged, ow good, , Subject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 13037-01..............................£8.00 |
NAZISM AND WAR by Richard Bessel Nazi ideology was based on two beliefs, war and race. The author begins with the aftermath of the First World War and the myth-building which substituted memories of slaughter with the myth of a meaningful event. It moves through the 1920s and the Nazi seizure of power, to the economic boom, massive rearmament and tightening restrictions on the Jews in the 1930s, on to the racist war of extermination. 2004, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, , 0297646966,< F-01>,244pp, 15 b/w ills., New in dw, , Subject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 33938-01..............................£10.00 |
NAZISM AND WAR by Richard Bessell Nazi ideology was based on two beliefs, war and race. The author begins with the aftermath of the First World War and the myth-building which substituted memories of slaughter with the myth of a meaningful event. It moves through the 1920s and the Nazi seizure of power, to the economic boom, massive rearmament and tightening restrictions on the Jews in the 1930s, on to the war itself and the racist war of extermination. 2004, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, , 0297646966,< F-01>,244pp, 15 b/w ills., As new in d/w, , Subject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 33938-02..............................£8.00 |
HITLER'S LAST YEAR OF POWER by Leonardo Blake Astrolgical predictions on the future of Hitler from the perspective of 1939. Includes a key to astrological terms. The book attracted some attention at the time of publication because of the supposed interest of some Nazis in astrology. It contains the line "Be reassured. There will be no war".1939, Andrew Dakers, , ,< F-01>,189pp, boards sltly stained & rubbed, endpapers removed, text g, , Subject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 13101-01..............................£10.00 |
UNDER HITLER'S BANNER: SERVING THE THIRD REICH by Edmund Blandford The experiences of ordinary Germans during the era of the Third Reich. Includes experiences on the Home Front in the Second World war and of the service men in U-Boats, the Luftwaffe, the Army and the SS, and the women who served with the armed forces.1996, Airlife Publishing, , 1853105481,< F-01>,248pp, 50 photos, Very good in dw, , Subject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 22779-01..............................£8.00 |
STRENGTH THROUGH JOY: SEX AND SOCIETY IN NAZI GERMANY by Hans Peter Bleuel Far from being demonic specimens of a 'master race', the leaders of the Third Reich were lower-middle class men of trivial intellect and petty predjudices. Nowhere was this more evident than in their attitudes to sex. Hitler's fanatical allegiance to health, racial purity and "sound" genetics led to bizarre theories and grotesque practices. This is an in-depth study of that strangely ordered bureaucracy, as well as an expose of the sexual aberations of Goebbels, Rohm, Bormann, Himmler - "the model husband" - and The Fuhrer himself!1972, Secker & Warburg, , 0436051508,< F-01>,xi + 272pp, 27 b/w photos & illustrations, good in slightly chipped d/w, , Subject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 18466-02..............................£16.00 |
THIS WAY FOR THE GAS, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN by Tadeusz Borowski Tadeusz Borowski’s concentration camp stories were based on his own experiences surviving Auschwitz and Dachau. In spare, brutal prose he describes a desensitized world where the will to survive overrides compassion and prisoners eat, work and sleep a few yards from where others are murdered; where the difference between human beings is reduced to a second bowl of soup, an extra blanket or the luxury of a pair of shoes with thick soles; and where the line between normality and abnormality vanishes. Not an easy read.The author committed suicide in 1951.1976, Penguin Books, , 0140186247,< F-01>,180pp, Very Good in card covers, , CARDSubject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 38105-01..............................£4.00 |
IN THE RUINS OF THE REICH by Douglas Botting Mass market paperback. pages browning. Good. On the 8th May1945 the Nazis surrendered bringing the war in the West to and end. This book tells of the period that followed until the Berlin airlift of 1948-9 and the formal division of Germany into two seperate nations.1986, Grafton (Paperbacks), , 0586067434,< F-01>,413pp illustrations, , , CARDSubject...The Third Reich - GeneralWeb No. 38016-01..............................£3.00 |
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