Adelbert Holl was a 23-year-old infantry
Leutnant when he rejoined his unit in Stalingrad after recovering
from a severe wound. Upon returning to Infanterie-Regiment 276, 94
Infanterie-Division, he discovered that many of the officers and
men who had been with the unit barely 5 months earlier were now
dead or wounded, and the unit was embroiled in tough city-fighting
in central Stalingrad. This new, specialist volume features
chapters on The Battle Around the Mouth of the Tsaritsa,
Operations at the Barrikady, 6 Armee is Surrounded, the Split into
Northern and Southern Pockets, The retreat to the City Perimeter,
and The Final Days, plus 44 photographs (including 19 aerial
photos, 24 maps, and 40 supporting documents.
Card cover edition newly back in stock.
New in card cover - 250pp, illustrations, photos, maps, index
China and the Ordeal of HMS Amethyst. The attack on the British
frigate on the Yangtze River by Chinese Communists in 1949 made
world headlines. When she made a dramatic escape after being
trapped for 101 days, the incident was eulogised as an example
of outstanding courage and fortitude. The 'Yangtze Incident' was
made into a feature film, which depicted the ship and her crew
as innocent victims of Communist aggression. British Government
files have now been released and in making use of these, the
book tells an intriguing tale of intelligence failure and
military over-confidence.
Published for the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Britain,
this is the most thorough examination of the topic ever written.
Illustrated with maps and rare photos, plus a colour section
depicting the aircraft, this impressive book lays out the
conflict as seldom seen before. The battle was a turning in
point in military history, and arguably in the fate of the
world. By late summer 1940 Germany had conquered all its
opponents on the continent, including the British Army. Hitler
had only one remaining objective - the British Isles themselves.
However, before he could invade, his Luftwaffe needed to wipe
the Royal Air Force from the skies. Thus took place history's
first strategic military campaign conducted in the air alone.
There is no doubt that it was the unparalleled efforts of The
Few that won the battle.
New in illustrated boards - Large format, 320pp, 12 colour photos, 16 colour
profiles, c300 b/w photos
The history of 11th Armoured Division from Normandy to the end of
the war. This history was written by a member of the division
just after the war, and covers operations by 11th armoured from
D-Day through to the end of the war. A good history, accompanied
by a complete Roll of honour. A facsimile reprint of the
original 1945 Divisional publication
New in card cover - 222pp, 29 photos,
22 maps, index.
by Yves Plasseraud
Ten years in the making with more than 1000
photographs, illustrations and documents covering the
military headgear of twenty Central and South American
countries. Packed with colour and black and white
images, this is a must for serious collectors.
Dix années de préparation, plus de 1000 photographies
patiemment rassemblées au sujet des vingt États
d'Amérique centrale et du sud. Largement illustré en
couleurs et rédigé en langue française, il comporte des
résumés substantiels en langues anglaise et espagnole.
French text with English and Spanish chapter summaries.
New in illustrated boards - large format, 309pp, c2,000 colour &
b/w photos, illustrations & maps