A survey of the 3,800 solid concrete
fortifications constructed by the German armed forces on Danish
soil in World War II. With historical introductions, a full
typological survey of all bunkers constructed and planned. Also
includes a full geographical survey with detailed maps, details of
planning, construction and constructors, headquarters and command
posts, operations, what is left?,
German terminology and abbreviations, index of geographical names
and German code-names
New in illustrated boards - Large format, 240pp, 106 photos, 82
maps, 185 bunker plans
The story of Les Green is told with true 'squaddie' humour. In the
Middle East the British soldier's life is complicated by his
dealings with 'Johnny Arab' as members of the indiginous population
are known. The soldier's mood with regard to both the enemy and his
senior officers, is brilliantly captured, from the siege of Tobruk
to the occupation of a defeated Germany, where demobilisation slows
to a crawl and discipline begins to disappear altogether
The revised and
updated second edition of Frank Iannamico's American Thunder, now
with over 500 pages containing more than 400 illustrations. This
is an in-depth look at the famous wartime Thompson Submachine Gun
as used by the United States and her allies during WWII. There
have been many books written about the original Colt Thompsons,
but never before has such a detailed study been published on the
wartime Thompsons.
New in card cover - Large format, 536pp, 400 + b/w photos & illustrations
Moose Lake Publishing, 2004
ISBN 0974272418
Web No.
by Jochen Prien & Gerhard Stemmer
II./JG 3 in action with the Bf 109. This second volume presents
the unit history of the "Udet" Geschwader's second Gruppe, II./JG
3, beginning with its formation in 1938 and subsequent service in
the Campaign in the West from 1940-1941. II./JG 3 was involved in
the fighting over Malta in the spring of 1942 then in June 1942
shifted to the east where it took part in the advance on
Stalingrad suffering serious losses. It was recalled to the Reich
to see further service in the defence of Germany between August
1943 and early June 1944.
New in protected d/w - Large Format.
408pp photographs, illustrations
Schiffer, 2003
ISBN 0764317741
Web No.
by Jonathan PRoth
Roman Warfare surveys the history of Rome's fighting forces
from their inception in the 7th century BC to the fall of the
Western Empire in the 5th century AD. In non-technical, lively
language, the author examines the evolution of Roman war over its
thousand-year history. He highlights the changing arms and
equipment of the soldiers, unit organisation and command
structure, and the wars and battles of each era. The military
narrative is used as a context for Rome's changing tactics and
strategy and to discuss combat techniques, logistics, and other
elements of Roman war.
New in card cover - 310pp, maps, illustrations.
Cambridge University Press, 2009
ISBN 9780521537261