. Bound in
orange loose leaf binder, screws mounting wth cord tie. All
amendments from A.L.1 to A.L.8 are incorporated in this 1951
original, plus the Amendment List page has handwritten
entries for A.L.9 and A.L.10 dated Nov.'59 and Nov.'61 which
have been added. Published for the Royal Air Force by
command of the Air Council.
Very good in
loose leaf binder - c200pp, charts maps, diagrams etc.
by J. M. Bruce
This definitive book covers in
great detail the aircraft which took part in the Military
Trials held in August, 1912, and every type of aircraft used
by or designed for the RFC. Design, development and service
histories are detailed with a comprehensive record of their
military serials and the units with which they served. With
an Appendix listing aircraft manufacturers. Indexes include
alphabetical listings of aircraft, aero-engines, and people
who designed, flew, and serviced the planes. With numerous
photographic illustrations this is the revised and amended
second edition.
by Massimiliano Afiero
Employed exclusively on the
Eastern Front, except for a brief period in Croatia, Dutch
volunteer combat formation “Nederland” participated in many
of the most difficult battles including Leningrad, the Narva
bridgehead, the Tannenberg line, Dorpat in Kurland,
Pomerania, and the Oder front. Finally, at the desperate
battle of the Halbe Pocket, the remnants of the division
avoided total annihilation, escaping the Soviets and
surrendering to American forces. This work fills a gap in
Waffen-SS history with appendices on the unit’s operational
history, its members, uniforms and insignia.
New in
illustrated boards - Large format, 144pp, numerous b/w
photos & maps
All are familiar with the rapid
thrusts the Germans made in the early days of the Second
World War that saw the demise first of Poland, and then the
Low Countries and France. But were the German Blitzkrieg
tactics, which appeared at the time to smash through all
resistance, really as devastating as they seemed? That is
the major question asked in this absorbing new study of the
campaign in Greece in 1941. Within three weeks they overran
the country but, by looking into the campaign in detail, the
author claims that at no time did the Germans gain
ascendancy over the token British and Anzac force sent to
bolster the Greek defenders.
This high
quality series of aircraft monographs from Poland presents
detailed studies of selected aircraft types, illustrated
with original manufacturer’s photos, drawings and design
documents. Although built in fewer numbers than the PZL
P.11, the PZL P.24 was, for a period during the 1930s, the
fastest and most heavily armed single-seat fighter in the
world. Having acquired early notoriety at the Paris Salon
with their innovative wing design, the P.24 represented the
ultimate development of the family of fighter planes
designed by Zygmunt Pulawski and saw service in the air
forces of four countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Romania and
Polish/English text.
New in card cover
- A4 format, 172pp, c300 colour profiles, illustrations,