by Charles Woolley
Lufbery, Campbell, Chambers, Coolidge and that greatest
American fighter ace of WWI, Eddie Rickenbacker are the names most
closely associated with Uncle Sam's 94th 'Hat In The Ring'
Squadron. This is a rich mixture of official as well as personal
accounts of combat and squadron life with color profiles of
Nieuports and Spads as well as pilot rosters and bravery award
New in d/w - Large format, 375 b&w photos, colour profiles
On 28th October 1940, the Greek premier, Ioannis Metaxis,
refused to accept a deliberately provocative ultimatum from
Mussolini and Italian forces began the invasion of Greece via
Albania. On paper, Greek forces were poorly equipped and
ill-prepared for the conflict but Mussolini had under-estimated
the determination of the defenders. Within weeks the Italian
invasion force was driven back over the border and Greek forces
advanced deep into Albania. A renewed Italian offensive in March
1941 was also given short shrift, prompting Hitler to intervene.
German forces invaded Greece via Bulgaria on 6th April. The
Greeks, now assisted by British forces, resisted but were
overwhelmed by the superior German forces and their blitzkrieg
What if Stalin had signed with the West in 1939? What if the
Allies had been repulsed on D-Day? And what if Hitler had won the
war? In this expertly written book, historians suggest what might
have been if key events during the war had gone differently, from
the Munich Crisis to the dropping of the first atom bomb,
including Hitler's declaration of war on the United States and the
D-Day landings. The authors, writing as if these and other
world-changing events had really happened, project realistic
scenarios based on the true capabilities and circumstances of the
opposing forces.
A study of the famous WWII Luftwaffe bomber. An invaluable
modelling aid, the book contains 4 pages of colour side-view
profiles, a 4 page centre colour gate-fold featuring upper and
lower surface views, 12 pages of 1:72 scale drawings, and 90
black and white photos.
As new in card cover - A4 format, 64pp, colour profiles, scale drawings, b/w
Heinz Linge worked with Adolf Hitler for a ten year period from
1935 until the Führer's death in the Berlin bunker in May 1945. He
was one of the last to leave the bunker and was responsible for
guarding the door while Hitler killed himself. During his years of
service Linge was responsible for all aspects of Hitler's
household and was constantly by his side. He recounts the daily
routine in Hitler's household including his eating habits, his
foibles, his preferences, his sense of humour and his private life
with Eva Braun.