commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the
Battle of Britain which was at its height
August and September, 1940,
we featured titles which described the events
of this monumental conflict.
by Alfred Price
A detailed 'snapshot' of one single day in the Battle
of Britain. Sunday 18 August 1940 saw the Luftwaffe
launch three major air assaults on Britain and the
events of that day changed the destiny of the war.
Alfred Price gives a compelling minute-by-minute account
of that hardest day as experienced by those involved -
RAF and Luftwaffe aircrew, behind-the-scenes planners
and strategists, and members of the public above whose
towns and villages the battle was waged. Many of those
interviewed during the 1970s are no longer alive.
Very good in rubbed dw - 223pp,
98 photos, maps & diagrams
Britain during the Battle of Britain in WWII with Hitler poised to
invade the United Kingdom. This is a book of emotional and
personal memories rather than the cold statistics of war.
Includes eyewitness accounts, radio reports, contemporary photos
and cartoons, 'Hellfire corner', 'Mrs England', the Home Guard,
aircraft identification drawings and RAF slang, together with
morale boosting posters and advertisements.
Very good in d/w. Front paste in
map inverted - 208pp, 300 photos & illustrations,
large format
A study of the Battle of Britain
including the run up and the battle itself. Includes original
colour illustrations of the aircraft, personnel and actions. The
book was specially commissioned for the 50th Anniversary of the
Fine in rubbed d/w - 126pp, 100 colour illustrations.
A vivid account of the Battle of Britain. The author carried out
extensive research and explains the strategic position, Dowding
and Fighter Command that he had developed and readied, the
weapons and electronics that played such a vital role, and the
tactics that were used in the battle.
in d/w - 304pp, 60 photos,
33 illustrations, maps & diagrams
From official reports and records,
contemporary accounts of eyewitnessed events. Looks at the early
realisation of the invasion threat and the late summer and early
autumn air battles of 1940 which are described with full details
of the fighter aircraft involved. Appendices provide aicraft
serial numbers, pilots and aircrew of Fighter Command killed in
action during the Battle of Britain, plus statistics on bomb
Very good in d/w - 240pp, approx 150 photos, maps,
diagrams & charts, appendices, index