The story of Werner Gosel and Sturmgeschutz-Abteilung 244.
Stalingrad, Kursk and Bobruisk are names synonymous with
untold suffering and death, and the men of Stug.Abt.244
fought at each of them. Werner Gosel was deployed as a
dispatch rider during Operation Barbarossa and after being
trained as an officer, he returned to the front and was
wounded during the opening stages of the Stalingrad battle.
After recovering, he served with Sturmgeschutz-Batterie 395,
but with the reorganisation of Stug.Abt.244 in early 1943,
Gosel was recalled to his old unit and participated in the
Battle of Kursk and the subsequent retreat. His tenure as
adjutant from August 1943 onward provides an insight into
the working methods of an assault gun battalion. In summer
1944, now a battery commander, Gosel was captured during a
break-out attempt from the Bobruisk pocket. He returned from
Soviet captivity five years later to post-war East Germany.
This volume which is jointly edited by Jason Mark, is
profusely illustrated and has three appendices, including
the battalion's full war diary from 1943 plus a
comprehensive lists of medal winners.
New in illustrated boards - 492pp,
249 b/w photos, 17 maps
Wellington's Men Remembered is
a reference work published in two volumes, which has been
compiled on behalf of the The Waterloo Association
containing over 3,000 memorials to soldiers who fought in
the Peninsular War and at Waterloo between 1808 and 1815,
together with 150 battlefield and regimental memorials in 28
countries world wide. This volume covers soldiers from A to
L, Photographs of memorials are included in a CD Rom
inserted in each volume
Wellington's Men Remembered is a
reference work published in two volumes, which has been
compiled on behalf of the The Waterloo Association
containing over 3,000 memorials to soldiers who fought in
the Peninsular War and at Waterloo between 1808 and 1815,
together with 150 battlefield and regimental memorials in 28
countries world wide. This volume covers soldiers from M to
Z, Photographs of memorials are included in a CD Rom
inserted in each volume
by Douglas C. Dildy. Illustrated by Peter Dennis
The great blitzkrieg campaign
of May/June 1940 saw German forces pour through Holland and
Belgium to confront the French and British. The assault was
audacious; it relied on speed, feinting and manoeuvre as
much as superior force, and in the end these qualities were
to prove decisive. Featuring vivid illustrations,
illuminative bird's eye views and maps, this book charts the
unfolding of an unprecedented lightning war, which saw the
first ever airborne assault at a strategic level, and the
largest clash of armour to date. Never in the history of
warfare had the clash between such large, powerful, and
apparently equal forces been decided so swiftly.
New in card cover - A4 format, 96pp, 3
double page colour plates, 9 colour maps/charts, b/w/colour
rare photographic compendium of the
Hitlerjugend and Bund Deutscher Madel (League of German
Maidens). It looks at their origins, their day-to-day
activities and comradeship. A scarce translation and
facsimile, printed on gloss, art paper, of an original WWII
German publication by Obergebietsfuhrer Willi Korber. This
is a must for the serious scholar of the Third Reich.
German/English text
Originally Published c1943 by
Deutcher Jugendverlag gmbh.