In 1933, the Air Ministry issued a specification for a
general-purpose four-engine flying boat capable of operating from
the outposts of the Empire. The result was the remarkable Short
Sunderland. The Sunderland's ability to take on six or more enemy
fighters earned it the Luftwaffe's nickname of the "Flying
Porcupine". The aircraft’s “maid of all work” role over the eastern
Mediterranean is covered in detail, and includes the evacuations
from Yugoslavia, Greece and Crete. Canadian, Australian and
Norwegian squadrons’ operations are included plus those of South
Africans and New Zealanders. Detailed appendices include lists of
Sunderlands with brief histories and all known successful attacks on
enemy submarines.
New in d/w - 185pp,
2 maps, numerous b/w illustrations
While conquering Greece and Macedonia the Romans defeated an
intervention by the Seleucid Empire. Soon Roman armies crossed
to Asia where they faced the Seleucids, one of the most
sophisticated armies of the ancient world, evolved from
Alexander the Great's all-conquering war machine with the exotic
additions of elephants, scythed chariots, heavily armoured
cataphract cavalry and a formidable navy. The Romans defeated
them at the epic battle of Magnesia in 190 BC, but this, allowed
other states to come to the fore, most notably Pontus, led by
Mithridates VI, and Armenia.
New in d/w - 152pp, 14 colour illustrations, 8 maps
The most comprehensive history of Israeli Defence Force vehicles,
the book presents a detailed account of the many designs in IDF
service and their combat history. The text is complemented by a
staggering array black and white and colour photographs, mostly
previously unpublished and sourced from official and unofficial
collections. They provide unprecedented detail for the modeller
and vehicle enthusiast, and include much interior detail of the
vehicles in training, in combat and preserved in museums. This
first volume covers vehicles in service between 1948 and 1959,
concentrating on the 1948 Arab/Israeli War.
New in illustrated boards - Large format, 172pp, 300 + colour & b/w
The definitive study of honours and awards to British Airborne
forces, covering the period 1939-1948. The Parachute Regiment,
Gilder Pilot Regiment, Airborne Infantry, Airborne Support Units -
over 1200 awards. Includes the VC citations, Orders of Battle for
the Airborne Divisions, and brief histories of all units, with lists
of Commanding Officers. Over 1200 awards from a Mention in
Despatches to a Victoria Cross.
by Peter G. Dancey
This extensively researched book describes the Royal Air Force
as it entered the 21st century. It covers the history of all
squadrons, their official (and unofficial) unit badges, and
mottos and the aircraft with which they are equipped, as well as
those flown in the past.
New in card cover - A4 format. 192pp, numerous photos and illustrations